Thursday, January 19, 2006

Do I have a "hidden agenda"?

Thursday Evening. The site is nearing the 4000 hit mark, which is pretty amazing considering it has only been "on the air" for a week. We've even had some major media coverage, including The National Post on Tuesday (Top of A6) Not bad.

A few people have e-mailed and asked "if I was serious about random voting?" What are my intentions? Am I really suggesting that people go out and randomly choose a candidate to vote for? (You will note that the site includes "The Complete Guide to Irresponsible Voting.)

The purpose of the site was to underscore the fact that many Canadians, my friends among them, really don't know who they are going to vote for in this election. They see this election as more of a dilemma than a clear choice. Some of them have even suggested that they might "flip a coin". But what would happen if we had a truly Random vote?

RELAX - There's no need to worry. First of all, it is extremely unlikely that everyone would vote randomly. But if they did....

It might lead to the end of the party system.

It might render pre-election handouts and vote buying useless.

It might also cut down on political "contributions" and, in turn, the required favours as payback.

It might actually increase voter turnout.

It might mean that nobody's seat would be safe.

Good thing this is just a joke. Isn't it?



Sunday, January 15, 2006

I might be on to something (or on something)

Sunday Evening. The start of a new week. And the end of an exciting weekend for newly minted Random Party of Canada.

The site has only been "on the air" since Friday morning, and has already logged almost a thousand hits. Personally, I'd like to see that translate into merchandise sales and corporate bookings, which is the only way I'm really going to be able to pay for all this. But hey, NO PRESSURE.

I have also received quite a few comments, (via e-mail and posted to this blog). Most have been quite complementary. Some less so. Nonetheless, I definitely have people talking (and hopefully, laughing) which can't be a bad thing. Can it?

It appears that the press has also picked up on this. I have already done a couple of radio interviews, and there are more to come this week, including a spot on The John Oakley Show (AM 640 Toronto) tomorrow morning. Of course, the press is helpful, but what will really put this site over the top is people recommending it to their friends. So please do. While you're at it, make sure you tell them to check out the merchandise.



Friday, January 13, 2006

The Birth of a Party

A happy Friday the 13th to you all.

With the Federal election just over a week away, it appears that many of us still remain "undecided". More than in previous elections, Canadians simply do not know who to vote for. In addition, large numbers of Canadians have chosen not to vote at all, because "all politicians are the same and nothing ever really changes". If you happen to be a member of any of these groups, I have set up a new web site that you will hopefully find helpful and, of course, entertaining.

At , you will find a variety of "random" strategies to help undecided voters determine who they should vote for, including the incredible new VOTE-O-MATIC 3000.

Glen Foster
That Canadian Guy